Friday, November 4, 2011

To My Daughter

My darling Sara,
We've just discovered in the past week you're about to become a mother.  It's taken me a week of emotion, calming your father down, and telling certain family members and friends about your condition.  You know this is a shock; you're only 17; a junior in HS; and the father of your baby is not the ideal man we thought you would fall in love with.  But this is your choice, so we must respect it and go on.

I took you for your first OB/GYN appointment yesterday, and while I'm not thrilled with your doctor's bedside manner, he is the only OB in the area who would take your Medicaid status.  I wish we lived closer to Dr. Steve, who, as you know, delivered caught you.  I watched you endure your first adult female exam and remind you again, welcome to Responsible Adulthood.  I love you and want you to have a healthy pregnancy.

I'm creating this blog so I can write down my thoughts of becoming a grandmother next June 11th (this date may change, but for now it is the date given) and any pearls of wisdom I choose to pass along to our 1st grandchild.  If you don't like it, tough.  I'm a writer and rather do this in longhand where my handwriting may not be readable, I'm choosing this forum, so it may be preserved.

You're not having any nausea yet; so far the only thing which has changed has been your weight (7lbs gained last week, 10lbs lost this week, I think???) and the fact your baby did not like the chocolate candy for Halloween.

You and Eddie have discussed names:  Anthony Edward and Alexandria Nicole.  Both are good choices.  As you know, your younger brother was called 'Peanut' from the time we discovered he was in utero, and 'Jessica' up until he arrived as a 'William'.  At least my instincts were on target with you and Kyle!

I won't post this every day; only when I feel the need to tell you or the baby something.  Hopefully one day, the four of us can sit down and discuss everything calmly, although I seriously believe the four will be you, Eddie, Sandy, and myself.  I don't see your dad and Eddie being in the same room together.

I will make an appointment to start you on WIC.  It will help with your nutritional needs.  As I told you last week, healthy body, healthy baby.  And these first few weeks are critical to the baby's development.

Love and prayers,

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