Friday, June 8, 2018

You're Now Six Years Old!

My darling Alex,
It's been another amazing year, watching you grow and develop!  You turned six years old yesterday, and wore your beautiful blue and white Easter dress all day, with the exception of when Papa made chili for lunch (per your request, ha ha!).

Mommy took the day off so she could spend it with you, and helped with your dinner celebration.  Papa grilled pork chops; Mommy and Uncle Kyle fixed the vegetables.  Jeanna and Kyle gave you $6; Papa and I gave you $6 plus two books, The Monster At The End Of This Book and Another Monster At The End Of This Book.  You were happier with the cash, ha ha!  Mommy gave you a Baby Alive, which cries real tears; her nose lights up when she 'sneezes'; she talks about her heartbeat.  You also got new black tennis shoes.

We sang you Happy Birthday, then you blew out the candles on your green and blue Trolls ice cream cake from DQ, which you picked out.

You can somewhat do the splits, and you're trying desperately to learn how to do a cartwheel:)  You've almost mastered a round-off, but your legs are still bent.  I'm thinking we maybe need to get you into gymnastics; however, we've been 'thinking' this since you were two!  We have a joke that Cirq Du Solei could use you when you get older, you're so limber!

Next year, you will be at Washington Christian Center, since Vigo will be undergoing renovations.  You had a wonderful year in kindergarten, and soon you will be in 1st grade:)

You're growing taller; Mommy took you over to the Memorial last night and you can no longer pass under the, gate w/o hitting your head.  Your favorite pink PJ pants are now above your knees, and you weigh 49 pounds.  Daddy came over to see you yesterday, and you enjoyed seeing him.

Last weekend, we took you to Brown County State park to ride the horses, and were thrilled to learn that NEXT year, you'll be able to ride the trail horses with Mommy, Uncle Kyle, and Uncle Will:)  While Mommy, Kyle, Will, and Jeanna were on the trail, you and your friend Izzy played on the dirt pile near the pony corral, and dug up worms.  Afterward, we all went back to Bloomington and ate at Cracker Barrel before heading home.

Grandma Sally and Papa Mike weren't able to come this year, since Grandma Sally fell last week, and is having trouble walking.  She's getting stronger, and enjoyed talking to you on the phone yesterday.

Forgot to update some things:
-Ariel ended up spending only one week of school here before returning home.  One day when you're older, we'll tell you about it.  In the meantime, she's expecting a baby July 16th, a boy named Phoenix.

-Daddy is now working at Wendy's.

-Mommy is now in a Lead position at Perdue Turkey plant in Washington, and works 2-10pm.

Love you bunches, sweetheart:)  I'll try to write again soon.
