Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Miss Alex?

Dear little one:

Last week, we saw another picture of you, and early indications point to your being Alexandria Nicole.  It also appears you've inherited your father's features, but it's still early yet.  Doctor says you now weigh half a pound are doing great.

Your mother caught the stomach flu the other day, but I think is now finally able to keep food down.  I just pray you develop into a healthy child, despite your mother's nutritional ailments.

Until next time,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Holiday Happenings

Dear little one....
I am so sorry to report your great-great-grandmother passed away on Christmas Day, before we even got the chance to let her know you were on the way.  Granny Jean Dilly McIntire had fallen and cracked her pelvis early in December, and contracted pneumonia a week before Christmas.  She got to spend Christmas with Jesus, your great-great-grandfather Norman, and your great-great-Aunt Julie, who passed in 1994 and 1993 respectively.

I will admit, your parents went their separate ways the first part of December, but before Christmas, they were communicating again.  They are just babies themselves, but know your grandma has every intention of doing what's best for YOU and your MOTHER.

Your mother is still losing weight and having problems keeping food down, or eating very little.  We saw the doctor last week and heard your strong heartbeat.  We'll be seeing you again tomorrow, and finding out if you're to be named Alexandria Nicole or Anthony Edward.

Your father has moved to Rockport with his Aunt Tina, and is in his first week of working at Grandy's as a cook.  Your mother speaks to him on a regular basis, and so far the drama has been minimal.

I looked at the saved baby clothes yesterday; whether you are a boy or a girl, you will have plenty of clothing when you're born, as well as baby blankets.  We are still deciding if you'll follow your Uncle Will and sleep in a pack-n-play, or set up a crib in your mother's room.

And joy of joys....she's beginning to feel you move around!  I'm looking forward to the day when I get to feel your tiny foot against her abdomen.

I will probably write to you again in a few days.
