Tuesday, August 11, 2020

You're Now A 3rd Grader!

 Dear Alex,

You've had quite a summer!  Mommy's been home, you were a flower girl in Uncle Kyle and Aunt Jeanna's wedding, and you were taught the basics of bouncing on a trampoline at cousin Phoenix's 2nd birthday party:)

School has started, and your teacher is Miss Eck, whom you know from the playground last year.

Grandma is still working nearly full-time at Lowe's, and am getting ready to home school Uncle Will.  Uncle Kyle and Aunt Jeanna are in the process of moving into their new house in Freelandville, and Mommy is making plans to return to work by the end of the month.

Grandma and Papa are heading to Las Vegas in a few days, to see Papa's friends Randy and Shantel.  We're leaving on the 14th and returning sometime after the 23rd.

Grandma Sally is still confined to the retirement facility, but she loves to chat with you on the phone whenever she calls or I call her.  She loves you very much and wishes you could be allowed to see her.  When this Covid-19 nightmare is over and we get back to normal, you'll be able to hug and kiss her again.

The Watermelon Festival was this past weekend, and you enjoyed hanging out in Grandma's booth and eating watermelon, corn dogs, ice cream, and drinking lemonade.  You were also thrilled to see a few friends dance on stage, and to buy a mermaid tail from one of the vendors.

I'll try to write again next month, sweetie!

Lots of love,


Monday, May 25, 2020

The New 'Normal'

Dear Alex,
You just finished 2nd grade, and in a strange way.  The country has been sidelined with the Corona/Covid-19 virus which closed schools in March, and shortened the school year by a week.  You and Mommy have been working on your weekly assignment packets, and you seemed to enjoy working on your research paper on Tigers.

I know it's been tough on you, because you can't see your friends from school, but you've made friends with the girls across the street and around the corner, and have been over to play with them on a semi-regular basis.

You mastered riding your two-wheeled bicycle last month, and enjoy going over to the George Rogers Clark Memorial parking lot to ride around, without having the fear of traffic:)

With Mommy at home, due to the shut down, you've had her all to yourself, and have been shopping, getting fast-food delivered or picked up, and playing with the dogs.

Grandma has been working 30-40 a week, so you haven't seen me a great deal, but I'm thrilled you're not shunning hugs or kisses anymore.  Your birthday is coming up and I'm hoping we'll be able to take you to Brown County again, to ride the horses.

Uncle Kyle's wedding is coming up at the end of June (postponed from May 16th due to the Shelter In Place directive), and you're looking forward to being the Flower Girl.

I forgot to write this past winter, and I'm sorry.  We were all devastated by the loss of Papa Mike November 20th, 2019.  You were his joy, and the two of you had a special relationship.  Within four months, we had Grandma Sally moved into Cumberland Point Assisted Living, and put the house up for sale.  As of this date, we're still waiting for repairs to be made, so it can pass the new buyers' inspection, and close on the sale.

I brought home several marble tables and the low coffee table, which you have enjoyed playing with, and placing your Leggos on.  You also love Grandma's desk, with the various cubby holes and extra drawers, and have claimed 'your' drawers on the right.

You miss Grandma Sally, but as soon as the lock down is lifted, we will go to Lafayette and take her to a steak restaurant, because she's getting tired of chicken. and more importantly, she misses you too!

Til next time....