Saturday, December 29, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Dear Alex,

Merry Christmas!

We took you to see Santa earlier this month, and you were so excited to go see him!  But when it was your turn, you stood beside him with your hands covering your mouth, and whispered in his ear that you wanted some 'LOL Surprise Dolls'.  Later, you worked up the courage to tell him, 'Mommy's on the Naughty  List', which he was very surprised to hear!  The photographer did her best, and sent Mommy the best shot of you and Santa.

Then we went to see the Christmas lights at Oubache Trails park, which you were excited about all the new ones.  You thanked the volunteer who gave you a candy cane and wished him a Merry Christmas, and ate it while we drove to see the lights down at south 15th st.

Christmas Eve, Uncle Kyle and Aunt Jeanna came over to spend the afternoon, and you were thrilled with your presents:  A toy Jeep and toy horses.  Later, you ate dinner with them while Grandma was singing at the 6pm Christmas Eve service.  After dinner, you watched as we played Cards Against Humanity until Mommy put you to bed.

Christmas morning, you excitedly tore the wrapping off all your gifts:  Books, a Fingerling, candy in your stocking, and of course, your beloved LOL Surprise Dolls!

I forgot to mention, you are now an older sister to Alyanna, who arrived the day before Thanksgiving to your daddy and Crystal, who were married (briefly) on the Monday before.  However, as I write this, they have separated, and I do not know if you'll ever see Alyanna again.  Things are just too unstable over there.  Update:  2/9/19:  I don't know if I should even put this here, sweetie.....but we found out Baby Aly isn't even your sister.  C's ex-boyfriend had a DNA test run, and she's his child.  You probably won't even ever see her again.

Your daddy's mom, whom you call 'MeeMaw', has been in and out of the hospital this past month, in poor health.  We don't know all the details, but you were able to visit her.

Some rather unpleasant things have happened as well, and though I'm hesitant to write it, I can always go back in and edit this before I give you the website.

CPS visited you at school, and I'm told you informed her 'Daddy and MeeMaw had a fight b/c she wasn't picking the seeds out of the weed'.  The social worker seemed happy with the fact our kitchen is stocked with plenty of food; none of us smoke or do drugs; you have a safe place to live with plenty of people who love you.

She was first at Daddy's, who, I am told, was instructed to get a drug test.

We also informed her of your Aunt Hannah, who's twelve, and is making some questionable choices, in her quest for a Daddy figure.

Good news for your Uncle Brent; he seems to be turning his life around.  Time will tell.

Your daddy said he checked himself into the psych ward for a few days, however, your mother doubts this.  Some texts were sent, claiming he was going to end his life, then a few days later, Crystal claimed SHE tried to do the same, which earned her a trip to the psych ward the following week.

The only thing this caused is for Mommy to decide you were no longer allowed to spend the weekends at Daddy's.  He has come to see you; however the 1st time, he failed to show up; the 2nd, he spent more time on his phone than with you; he didn't even show up for Christmas.

As I type this, I have no idea if you'll even see him before you return to school

You WERE able to spend time with your Grandma Sally and Papa Mike on Dec 16th, when Grandma Sally was moved to Columbian Point Rehab facility.  Grandma Sally was taken to the hospital on the 9th, then moved on the 14th.  Grandma went up for a week to help take care of them.

You've had a few bouts of illness this Christmas vacation:  Fever, cold, tummy flu.  Breathing treatments in the mornings help your cough.

Love you bunches!