Saturday, September 26, 2015

Another Milestone!

Dearest Alexandria,

This entire week, I've watched you wake up, go sit on the potty, and proudly show us your DRY diaper.  You have worn your Sofia The First and Frozen panties, and have had nearly NO accidents during the day.

We are so proud of you, darling!  Being potty-trained is the first step toward being able to attend preschool:)  In fact, your mother and I took the paperwork down yesterday, to see about getting you enrolled in Early Head Start.

Your mother quit her job at Steak-n-Shake, due to the payroll not fully paying her every week, and is now working nights at Lewis Bakery.  You've been spending 'quality time' with Mommy while she sleeps, tucked up beside her in bed while you watch NetFlix.

Earlier this month, Mommy trimmed your hair to just at your shoulders and you look so much better! I know it has to be cooler than having all that hair down your back:)


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